Life is a one-way journey. There will be accidents and injuries along the road. But never give up.
治療傷口不僅需要專業的醫療,更需要醫護人員的同理心與真誠的關懷,書中穿插「醫師的小叮嚀」(Doctor’s Tips)以及鄭文昌醫師手繪的傷口圖,藉由病人的故事,讓社會大眾對傷口治療與照護有更進一步的瞭解與認識。
Wound healing requires not only professional medical skills, but also the empathy and sincere care of medical staff. Each story in this book is interspersed with "Doctor’s Tips" and Dr. Cheng’s hand-painted wound sketches. Based on the wound problems that occur with patients, these aspects provide relevant medical knowledge to broaden public and professional understanding and knowledge about wound care.
Throughout the stories detailed in this book, we have experienced many warm, sentimental, and peaceful vicissitudes of life from the perspective of humanistic medicine. This book presents true clinical stories, written as a form of narrative medicine, all of which inadvertently enter the readers’ inner world like the flow of water in streams.
這本書在一些故事裡也包含有QR code的主題音樂,所以你不用播放CD就能聽音樂看故事。
The book also includes theme songs with a QR code in some stories, so you can listen to the music without having to take a CD.
Everything in the world is in vibration, which exists in an incredible wave with each other. Similarly, the sound is touched with each other with words, time, and us in different ways, smells, and spaces.
這本《觸動傷口的旅行》書中,雖然人名、病人背景、發生的時間地點與事件都經過巧妙的代換,希望用真實故事改編的呈現,鼓勵正與病痛奮鬥的人或病人家屬,告訴他們――「你們不孤單,世界的愛與祝福正為你們編織著一雙又一雙的隱形翅膀,奇妙地成為你們人生的希望之翼」,也希冀藉著病人的真實故事改變我們對疼痛和折磨的觀點,讓我們學會「感同身受」與轉念,當然更希望給予醫護人員多點機會接觸一些關懷人文的故事,多思考自己醫護的使命,在醫療過程中發揮與生俱來的惻隱情愫,用心去體恤受疾病之苦的人,進而重新思考醫護人員與患者的角色與關係,相信台灣的醫療環境一定會更美好。同時,書中的每個故事中也穿插著「醫師的小叮嚀」以及鄭醫師親自手繪的傷口圖,藉由病人身上發生的傷口問題,提供相關的醫學常識,讓社會大眾對傷口治療與照護有更進一步的瞭解與認識。鑑於目前醫學教育對醫學人文的重視,希冀透過跨領域的橫向連結,藉由不同敘事作品所衍生出的議題反思,喚醒教育者、醫護人員,甚至病患與家屬對醫學人文教育的多元面向思考。在此由衷感謝接受我個人訪談的所有病患與家屬朋友們,願意花時間甚至忍住傷口的痛與我分享您們的心情與經驗,心疼之餘,我由衷感謝。我也感謝員生醫院所有相關協助工作人員,因為您們的包容與支持,讓美麗的生命篇章在傷口上轉化成頁頁療癒的力量! (黃怡靜 博士)